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Social Initiatives

As there were floods in Assam where nearly 43 lakh people across 33 districts were affected by these floods. Team Projections contributed an amount of 30k towards the Chief Ministers Relief fund for Assam. CM Relief fund was utilized at the discretion of the Chief Minister in such a manner, he rendered fit for the Financial assistance and relief towards the affected people.
Team Projections joined hands with Vadodara Municipal Cooperation during the Vadodara floods and evacuated more than 500 people. Also, provided them with all the essentials and first aid. The team also escorted the affected people to different safe camps set up by the Gujarat government.

The previous year of 2018 was tough for the people of Kerala due to floods that cause substantial damage to the State. The damage seemed to be beyond repair and inconsolable up to a large extent. Therefore, we decided to dedicate all our funding towards Kerala flood relief.